Friday, March 13, 2020

Science- Biology Practical Urine

Science- Biology Practical Urine Aim: To establish if the kidneys that produce each sample was either:1.Healthy2.diabetic3.dehydrated4.kidney deseasedPrediction:As we saw the samples given to us on the table we already saw that sample D looked obviously very different from the others, it bubbled and had froth and the colour was lighter than the oher 3. As we went over and smelled each one we found out that sample B smelled quite sweet compared to the others. We also know that the urine a healthy kidney produced has no sugar, no protein and has little salt. The urine produced from a diabetic kidney has no protein, more sugar and little salt. The urine produced from a dehydrated kidney has more salt, no sugar and protein and it is more concentrated, this doesn't mean it is an unhealthy kidney. A Kidney disease will show in the urine as it has more protein, little salt and little sugar.HÃ ¶karpanna

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