Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Age of Reason Essay - 921 Words

Aime Cesaire’s essay deals with the European hypocrisy that has existed for many years throughout European history. Cesaire studied liberal ideas that had sprouted in the Enlightenment period or the Age of Reason, a time where many new ideas sprang up. Reason was used to guide the actions of people and nations; no longer was religion the main force. Science became extremely important because it provided answers to questions. With the Enlightenment came ideas of liberalism. Before the Age of Reason monarchies governed the people. There was great poverty and a disparity between the classes of people; the people were disillusioned. People wanted change and the Enlightenment provided ideas of liberalism. The people wanted the rights they†¦show more content†¦European countries now felt much more empowered which allowed for competition to foster between nations. Europe with the technological advantage provided by the industrialization gave them the means â€Å"to impose t heir rule throughout the world.† (Weber 558) Industrialization led the way to imperialism-the extension of a nation’s rule or authority over foreign nations, territory, or the acquiring of colonies or dependencies. Europeans nations went into Africa, Asia, and the Americas for this purpose. Their justification for imperialism was that these people from non-European countries were uncivilized and needed to civilize them because it was their duty as superiors-the white man’s burden. During the Berlin West Africa conference the imperialist powers met up to discuss how they were going to split African into sections like a pie. Every imperialist nation wanted a piece of the African pie even though they had never been to Africa before. There was a not a single African present in the conference, all were European. They were getting ready to colonize Africa. Colonization means to control dependent nations, territory, or people. There is a problem with imperialism and col onization. Well there are many problems with imperialism but the problem that is important to state is the hypocrisy of the Europeans. The reason why Aime Cesaire claims Europeans are hypocrites is because during the Enlightenment Europeans claimedShow MoreRelatedThe Age of Reason1424 Words   |  6 Pagesparticipated and had an affect in The Age of Reason. OUTLINE I. David Hume A. Contributions to the Age of Reason B. Who and what influenced him II. Jean Jacques Rousseau A. What he believed in B. Who influenced him III. Claude Adrien Helvetius A. Influences B. Reasons for contribution IV. Immanuel Kant A. How he made a difference B. Why he made a difference C. What caused him to make a difference V. Johann Fichte A. Influences B. Reasons for contribution VI. 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